Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Back Pain In the Lower Left Side? These Are The Common Causes

There are many types of back pain with many different causes.  Chances are if you've been to a doctor, hospital or chiropractor they have had difficulty in diagnosing the problem.  Perhaps you've had X-rays taken and other tests as well as taken drugs to ease the pain but you were not cured.
Possible causes of back pain involving the lower left side indicate intestinal problems of some sort possibly including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), muscle imbalance, kidney stones, excessive or improper exercise, lifting objects that are too heavy, pregnancy, obesity or an improperly aligned spine such as a herniated disc.
With IBS, you may experience bouts of diarrhea and vomiting due to certain foods you may have eaten that you may be allergic to such as gluten in wheat or rye.  Chances are your doctor will tell you to remove gluten from your diet, which should bring some relief.  There are no cures for IBS which also includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis but it can be managed.  In some cases Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have come about due to some prescription medication you have taken such as Fosamax.  Fosamax is used to treat osteoporosis in women and men as well as Paget's disease.
Kidney stones are a common cause of lower left back pain.  Chances are you will experience difficulty urinating and possibly have blood in your urine.  Your doctor will have no problem diagnosing his problem.  Depending exactly where your stones are and how big they are, your doctor will determine how to get rid of them.  Sometimes it is just a matter of letting them pass through your system.  Laser technologies have been used to blast these stones into smaller pieces, which will pass through your system as well.
A muscle imbalance can also cause lower left back pain.  There are many causes including a pulled muscle.  This can generate pain in other parts of the body as well including spinal pain and intestinal pain.  You may experience pain on the opposite side of your back because your right side is working harder to take over lost function from your left.  Sometimes muscle relaxers and pain killers are prescribed to allow you to do certain exercises that aid in recovery of the damaged muscle.  If the damage is serious, you may require surgery.  Alternating hot and cold compresses are recommended to keep inflammation down and allow for good blood circulation for a faster recovery.  Lower left back pain will remain until your muscles return to normal.
Pregnancy is another cause of lower left back pain.  As the fetus develops it gets bigger and bigger causing the uterus to expand shifting your center of gravity not to mention weakening of the stomach muscles.  This puts tremendous strain on your lower back.  Remember, you are also carrying around extra weight from the fetus plus any weight you are gaining.  This increase in body mass may begin pinching nerves which will cause pain as well.  I'm afraid the only cure here is delivery and that you will have to wait for.  Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs may bring some relief in the mean time.
Many back problems can be avoided if you maintain proper weight and exercise regularly.  Be careful how you pick up heavy objects and make sure you do your exercises properly.  Back problems can start out small but if ignored can become a serious issue.
Make sure to:-
- See your doctor if your pain lasts for more than a few days. It's important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible so that you can begin on any therapy that will help you.

How To Cure Neck Pain

When a person hears the old saying, "They are a pain in the neck", this means the person is worse than a thorn in their side. It is so painful, hurtful, and even devastating what the effects that could come from it. A pain in the neck is all those things and so much more. All a person wants to do is get rid of the pain, the soreness, and get on with their life and get back to enjoying life. If a person is looking for the answer to how to cure neck pain, this article might help change your life.
To start with, everyone has been told their whole life see a doctor or a chiropractor for an injury that happened or a pulled or strained muscle. But, the problem is still there and just never gets solved. A person wakes up with a headache or even gets a headache from moving their neck the wrong way. It could be a pinched nerve, the neck being out of alignment, which is why popping is heard all the time, or just literally sleeping the wrong way will cause neck pain. A person can even start relying on medication for the pain.
The reason is for all this neck pain is because one side of the body is stronger and one is weaker. This causes an imbalance in the muscles because that one side wants to dominant. But, no doctor or chiropractor says this to us. Getting treatment is only temporary relief and then the pain and tightness comes back again and again.
How to cure the neck pain for the person all kinds of tests are run to figure out the problem, but they do not look solely for the root of the problem. Doctors are not medically trained or told to look at the muscle imbalances either. One doctor was fed up with everything and created the Lose The Neck Pain System.
The creator of the System, Dr Paris, has postgraduate training in dysfunction, spinal biomechanics, and correction methods. He owns his own spine center and is a member of the Fellow of Chiropractic Biophysics.
To show a person how to cure the neck pain, Dr. Paris provides an explanation of exercises, self-treatments, and stretches to cure and fix the problem will be discussed. Learning two dozen techniques that a person can use the rest of their lives, and most importantly if a person has been diagnosed with a specific problem, techniques and treatments will be used only for this.

Do You Need Tennis Elbow Braces?

Take a moment to think throughout your day about how many repetitive motions you make with your lower arm. Typically we make a lot of repetitive motions with our forearms and elbows in almost every activity we do. When you consider how active we are with our arms you can begin to understand the immense amount of pain you might experience if you had any type of injury in that area. Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is a debilitating injury that is a result from constant repetition of the same movements stemming from the lower arm and specifically targets the elbow. Essentially the tendons and ligaments around your elbow incur small tears and is termed as a repetitive stress injury.
Unfortunately is not something that usually requires surgery and most doctors will simply recommend that the body heals itself usually with the added help of tennis elbow braces. If however the pain persists for months and the tennis elbow braces do not help then an invasive surgery may be recommended by your doctor.
To help through the healing process you should eliminate the most painful moves with your lower arm to avoid prolonging the injury. Often times, tennis elbow braces can help to break the cycle of constant trauma to the elbow by reducing the amount of pressure on the tendons thus promoting healing. Additionally consider finding a tennis elbow support that also includes the ability to add hot or cold packs to it to help reduce pain and swelling.
Lateral epicondylitis can be a difficult injury to fully heal because it involves tendons and ligaments we constantly use in almost every motion. Therefore it is vital that you seek proper medical advice and also use the appropriate tennis elbow braces to help the healing process.

High Paying Jobs That Are Currently in Demand

Looking for high paying jobs that are currently in demand? Well, the list of the higher paying jobs, are in fields that may surprise you. Many people are searching for replacement jobs that they need to find that are comparable to jobs they have lost and this seems to be a futile search. There are so many jobs that want to pay minimum wage or are temporary in nature and all that will accomplish is match your unemployment, if that. So, what is out there that you can do to make good income and it isn't temporary?
What we have found is, to look for areas that pay well first, and then match what you are familiar with, or are willing to pursue to gain back your lost income level. There are jobs out there, but you may have to weigh out whether you are willing to relocate to where the better paying jobs will take you.
Often times, we are too set in our ways and our home location to really go after the income that will satisfy our lifestyles. It is one thing to want to live in a certain area, but if it is an income level that we are accustom to, then we may have to relocate to match the work with our desire to live at a certain income level.
Surprisingly, there are jobs that are near you and you can do from home. Other high paying jobs may allow you to remain in your home area and travel a bit to get to work. The first step is to find out what these higher paying jobs consist of.
High paying jobs that are currently in demand are; transcriptionists, PC technicians, IT support, software and insurance sales, and truck driving of different levels. As you can see from this small sampling, the better paying jobs are revolving around self employment to a certain degree, but with a higher level of assurance that the work is available and pays well.
So many factory jobs are now being replaced with temporary help and this won't support a person with insurance and work stability. The other drawback to temporary work, is it simple disrupts being able to draw unemployment and when all is said and done, you are better off staying unemployed and continue to draw from your unemployment.
If you are still looking for the higher paying jobs that have a longer job stability outlook, you need to see what pays well and where it will take you in terms of the work and where the work is more in demand. This will help you to make better decisions for the long term in replacing or starting a career that has a future.
The days of employee or employer loyalty are long since over and this is a sad realty, but you must not cling to that which will no longer support you and your family's welfare. There is no hope of finding the type of jobs that our parents and grandparents held for some thirty and forty years in the same location. Those jobs have been dismantled by, those greedy handful of corporate people, that thought they could continue to profit, by diminishing the lower level workforce and removing their benefits.
There are too many people seeking jobs that no longer exist and are not looking in the right fields of employment that will replace their special skills. Learn what is paying well today and adapt your job hunting skills to the type of work that will carry you into future job security.

Occupational Therapist Salary - A Higher Education Can Pay Off

These are troubling statistics but they are facts of life that we must face. About 18% of the US population, or some 52 million Americans, have at least one form of disability. About 32 and a half million, or 12% of the U.S. population, have severe disabilities. This is where an occupational therapist will make a difference. With the help of a therapist, there is still hope for this group of the population to be able to work and live in spite of their disabilities, by rehabilitative programs that help restore vocational, homemaking, and daily living skills, as well as general independence for disabled persons. The occupational therapist salary that the therapists receive is one of the factors that attract people into pursuing this career; but ultimately, the chance to help people with disabilities live as normal lives as possible is one of the most motivational aspects of this career pathway.
There are good job prospects for licensed occupational therapists working in all settings, but most particularly for those who are working in rehabilitation, acute hospitals, and orthopedic settings. This is because of the growing elderly population who receives the majority of their treatments in these settings. Licensed therapists earn between $35.35 to $40.72 in median hourly salary. The registered occupational therapy professional's hourly rate ranges from $24.75 to $43.98 while a registered/licensed occupational therapist (OTR/L) receives between $27.17 and $36.81 an hour.
A more well-known employer of occupational therapy workers such as Rehabcare Group, Inc. offers between $26.45 and $37.11 an hour, whilst HCR Manor Care, Inc pays a $29.70 to $36.10 hourly occupational therapist salary rate. Kindred Healthcare, meanwhile, pay their therapists $27.35 to $38.23 an hour.
If you have a Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy, you can expect to be paid between $25.77 and $37.70 in hourly salary. A Bachelor in Science, Occupational Therapy degree can earn you $30.41 to $37.36 an hour. You can increase your salary if you will take the time to earn a higher degree.
Occupational therapists are regulated in all States. Normally, the minimum educational requirement to enter the field of is a master's degree or higher. You need to attend and finish an academic program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) in order for you to be eligible to take the national certification exam given by the National Board for Certifying Occupational Therapy. If you pass this exam, you will be given the designation of "Occupational Therapist Registered (OTR)". From this, you can take further training and education to ensure a higher OT salary. You can also gain experience and make yourself qualified for promotions. There are many ways to receive higher occupational therapist salary, but getting your certification is your best first step.